Course Details

Course Units Location Starts Cost
APPLY WHS & DEMOLITION COMBO 2 units Electronic based Ongoing Cost $580.00

Step 1 of 3 - Review Training Requirements

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Please read and review the training requirements for this course below, and click to accept these requirements before continuing.

  1. USI (Unique Student Identifier)

    From 1 January 2015, every student who undertakes nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia is required to have a USI.

    STATEMENT OF ATTAINMENT CANNOT BE ISSUED if a participant fails to produce a valid USI number.

    Register your USI via

  2. Online Learning Requirements


    To join a training session, you'll need a device like a laptop, desktop, or tablet. Our training is conducted entirely online, guaranteeing security, and usually takes approximately 6 to 10 hours to complete, covering both learning and assessment.

  3. LLN (Language, Literacy, and Numeracy)

    Basic English Proficiency

    A basic understanding, reading, and writing of English is required. As part of our pre-training review, all students are required to complete an LLN assessment to determine their eligibility for enrolment in their selected course.

    All students enrolling in any Training Aid Australia course must have LLN skills to do simple calculations, understand English well enough to read, write, and provide verbal responses to questions in English to undertake training and assessment in any of our courses.

For further information on student support services, please refer to the Student Handbook.